Sunday, December 17, 2006

Design Dashboard vs Xsitepro

design dashboard report cover

I just wanted to answer two questions I've seen many times about Marlon Sanders new Design Dashboard...

1) Is the Design Dashboard a software?

Answer: The Marlon sanders design dashboard is not a software, it is a graphic assistant. You will still need a software to create your graphics. Don't worry because Marlon shows you where you can find the best software available for under $100.

2) What if I already own xSitePro?

Xsitepro is a great software for affiliate marketers, and anyone who wants to make money with contextual advertising (adsense, etc). Paul Smithson created XSite Pro to help you to create your affiliate and adsense sites faster, and it is really great to help you with SEO.

On the other hand, the design dashboard is a graphic program. It will help you to create graphics for blogs, power point presentations, affiliate pre-sell pages, podcast sites, landing pages, ebook cover graphics...

The design dashboard will show you may graphic tips: how to remove the background from your photos and other tricks like that. It will teach you how to do it.

You can use what you learn in the Design Dashboard to add to your XSitePro pages.

As you can see, nothing prevent you to use the design dashboard for your xsitepro websites.

Is Marlon Sanders Design Dashboard for you?

I love blogging because you don't need to mess up with HTML, but I have many websites as well. If you want to build a website and have a step by step tutorial with screenshot and videos showing you how to do it, the dashboard design is for you.

design dashboard report cover