Sunday, July 09, 2006

Word Clouds and 500 words sites

Word Clouds Sites and Joel Comm's linksizzler software took the web by storm just after his Instant Adsense Templates.

What the Heck is that World Clouds Thing?

Simple: You own The linksizzler script (you must buy it unless you are a excellent programer...). on this page, you will have 500 or 1000 words.

Now you got to advertise that page. You sell a word $25, $50, $100 (You choose the price). Let's say that 10 webmasters buy a word on your word clouds page, and you make $1000 dollars right away!

Do you remember something? Come on, nothing at all? If I tell you the, you remember now?

See, it seem to be the same concept. I am monitoring all these sites on the web, and it's very hot right now. See if it is something you want to do: Visit Million Dollar Word Script.

I have seen blogs and websites puting these 500words on their existing websites, rather than puting a single page with tons of words, and I like that method, it seems to be technorati tags...

What do you need to put these word clouds on your pages?

You need Linksizzler software. The price is a little bit expensive, but you can win your money back within a day or two, with proper advertising.

People are already making thousands with these 500 words sites.

How to advertise your Word clouds page?

I will give you some tips to advertise your page here, according to my experience:

1) Write and submit articles to Free article directories.
2) Submit press releases
3) Send an email to your list
4) Exchange links with other webmasters
5) Submit links to websites directories

With those 5, you must fill out fast, so don't waste your time, and go to work on your 500 words script. VS

Alex Tew became famous with his idea of pixel advertising, will the words Clouds do the same. We must wait and see the results. For now, a lot of 500 words owner are already making thousands of dollars...


Have a Look at the Link Sizzler Script and .


At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please also look at it is an advanced version of this script utilizing XFN tags and rss feeds for updated homepage content, as well as a high traffic blog directing traffic.

The best thing is words are only $15 and you can get this advanced script for $30!! Let your readers know, thanks.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Admin said...

I think the best way to promote a website is buying links from other high pageranked websites.
But One should not 4get other low pageranked websites which offer something like minnimum 10 yrs .
They will certainly increase their pagerank over the years.Buy Text Links From Unique Sites which offer more variety and which can get the attraction of the media like the above

Heres One i found out:
*Its Got Its Own TeXt EdiToR*
*Very Low Price*
*A Cool MouseOver Popup* Unique WORD Linking Site
An opportunity to OWN your choice word on this special page that will be online for
least TEN years!On top of that, you can choose the font SIZE, TYPE, COLOR, MOUSE over text and more


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